Welcome to Your Doctors
We are a General Practice assisting patients in the Inner West of Sydney. Our goal is to provide an unparalleled standard of patient care.
Our medical practitioners are highly experienced, industry leaders across a full range of healthcare services for all ages. If you're looking for a practice that caters for your entire family, or you simply need some advice on your health, get in contact with one of our practices today.
Our practice now uses HotDoc as our preferred online booking provider.
Annual flu + COVID19 Vaccinations
Masks are recommended
Whilst masks are no longer mandatory in many settings, mask-wearing continues to be recommended in general practices, medical centres and pharmacies. Wearing a mask will help protect people at higher risk from severe illness.
We do ask patients, staff and visitors to our practice (or those who are accompanying anyone) who have cold, flu or Covid-19 symptoms, to please wear a mask in consideration of:
- others who may be high risk patients and who are in our waiting room
- our doctors, nurses, receptionists and other staff
Masks should not be worn by toddlers under 2 years of age and babies, as they are a choking and suffocation risk. NSW health provides a video on how to wear a mask correctly. Your mask should fit snugly under your chin, over the bridge of your nose and against the sides of your face; covering both your nose and mouth.
Do you have any cold and flu symptoms?
Anyone with cold and flu symptoms must have a negative rapid antigen test on the day, prior to entering the practice. Privately-billed telehealth consultations are available at any time. Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, or unexplained fever. You should self-isolate until you receive your test results.
Self-collection for the Cervical Screening Test
Do I still need a PAP smear?
PAP smears were developed in the 1930s and have prevented millions of deaths. But now there is a better way of screening for cervical cancer. We know that the overwhelming majority of cervical cancer is linked to Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection, so now we screen for HPV infection - and it's called the Cervical Screening test (CST).
If you have a cervix and are aged 25-74, you should have one every five years. Cervical cancer grows slowly, taking about 15 years from an HPV infection. If you don’t have this virus on testing, come back in 5 years to check you have not developed in the meantime. If you do have the infection, doctors can assess the situation, monitor and treat as indicated.
This condition can happen to anyone with a cervix, regardless of gender identity, sexuality or sexual history. Cancer doesn’t discriminate.
Can I collect the test myself?
You may have seen the advertising: "It's your cervical screening test, own it!"
You now have choice when it comes to your Cervical Screening Test. The traditional examination is available, but now, so is the self collection method: which is safe and just as accurate. You can discuss the process and have the test with any of our doctors. Usually no vaginal exam is needed to start the conversation.
How good is it to know that women can do the test themselves to find out if they have an infection with HPV.
Want to know more? Go to Self-collection for the cervical screening test
I’ve had 1 or 2 normal Cervical Screening Tests without HPV, and I haven’t had a sexual partner since. Do I really need to keep having a CST?
Yes. Screening tests are just that: they do not reliably diagnose a condition. Screening tests are about 90% accurate- so we need to repeat them regularly to catch what we missed last time. For serial screening, the effective time between negative results is 5 years.